We are surveying our students to find out more about what they like and what they feel like they need from us. Please ask your child if they have filled out the survey emailed to them by Mrs. Oliver recently. They can also follow this link but must be logged in with their bhsconnect.org email to complete it (so they would not be able to do it on your device, but you could email it or otherwise share it with them).
Dear BMS Students,We would like to hear your voice! At this time, we are about half way through the 2020-2021 school year. As your principal, I want you to know that I am listening for your voice and that each of you are contributors to our community. During a year that is anything but typical, it is more important than ever that I hear from you. I want to know what makes BMS a great place to be and also how we can improve.
My goal for you is to feel both physically and emotionally safe, while learning both academics and who you are becoming as a human. You are all amazing in your own unique way!
I look forward to reading your responses.
Mrs. Oliver
BMS Principal