Monday, October 19, 2020

Free Meals for All Students - All Year!

The USDA has approved free meals for ALL students for the entire school year! This means each child is eligible for a breakfast and lunch daily at no cost. Please encourage your students to take part in this great program.

Lunches are available daily for all students that are in person at the end of the day and a breakfast for the following day is included in the bag.  

For students on remote days and students in the Remote Learning Academy meals can be picked up daily at Beverly High School from 7:15-7:45 OR 10:30-11:30. If you are unable to make it to these pick up times a family member or neighbor can pick up for your students. If you continue to have difficulty accessing these meals please contact Christina Leal. 

If you are a member of the community and are willing to volunteer and help deliver meals to families who are unable to make it to our pick up times please reach out to Christina Leal at 978-921-6132 x 11129 or email