Monday, September 14, 2020

Parent FAQ from the Superintendent

This letter from the Superintendent was recently sent out to families and is replicated here for your reference.

Good Afternoon Beverly Parents and Families,

Our first responsibility as we begin this school year is to keep our students, teachers, and staff safe. We have spent the summer months getting the school building and staff ready to execute all of the safety guidelines and best practices based on guidance from the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) and the medical community. From sanitizing and utilizing space in new and different ways to purchasing extra masks for students who might lose or forget theirs, we have been working hard to make sure our school buildings are as safe as possible. This year, like never before, will require partnership between schools and families to ensure that students are wearing their masks, washing their hands, and physical distancing. Today I am sending along a list of Frequently Asked Questions, many of which have been generated by families and some of which you may have yourself. The FAQ will be updated throughout the year as new questions arise. You will find the FAQ posted on our website and on our Beverly Keeps Learning site. I encourage you to refer back to this document and to submit any new questions to our staff.


Sue Charochak. Ed.D.
Superintendent of Schools