Below is a copy of the letter and documents sent out on Sunday night by the Superintendent, Dr. Charochak.
I hope that you were able to get some sunshine this weekend - while being careful to observe physical distancing. Tonight, I am sharing with you the next phase of our Extended Remote Learning Plan. We know we will never be able to replicate a traditional learning day but we hope with each iteration of our platform, you will find the learning both enjoyable and fulfilling for your child. Attached here is a letter from me and a copy of the Beverly Keeps Learning Remote Learning Plan.
For parents of Special Education students, you will also find a copy of a letter from Bethany Splansky, our Director of Pupil Personnel Services and Special Education. Please take the time to review the letters and plan and reach out to your teacher, principal or Central Office with any questions you may have.
The letters and plan will also be posted on the Beverly Keeps Learning website.
I also want to remind you that Friday, April 10th is not a recognized school day. As such, teachers will not be sharing lessons, available for video conferencing or holding office hours on Friday. We are all looking forward to working with you throughout the week! I know that our teachers and staff have many wonderful surprises in store for you!
Thank you!
Sue Charochak, Ed. D.
Superintendent of Schools
I also want to remind you that Friday, April 10th is not a recognized school day. As such, teachers will not be sharing lessons, available for video conferencing or holding office hours on Friday. We are all looking forward to working with you throughout the week! I know that our teachers and staff have many wonderful surprises in store for you!
Thank you!
Sue Charochak, Ed. D.
Superintendent of Schools