Thursday, September 10, 2020

Mask Info & Reminders From the Health Office

MasksClick here for specific guidance on masks. As you know, masks are currently required for all students entering the building. Please practice with your child to help them feel comfortable wearing a mask during the school day. Please note that bandanas and gators do not provide adequate protection. Students need a mask that covers the nose and mouth and has loops over the ears. The mask should be well fitting.  

Medication During School Day: We strongly encourage you to consider administering afternoon medication to your child once they arrive home, if possible. This will limit exposure to the health office.  If your student is attending school in person and will require medication administration during school hours please complete the following forms and bring them with you, along with your child's medication in its original bottle, on the first day of school. In order to ensure the health and safety of our students and staff, parents will not have access to the health office inside the building.  The nursing staff will have a table set up outside the main entrance doors on the first days of in-person school (9/17/20 and 9/18/20). 
Health Records. All students, including those participating in remote learning, are required to submit a current physical and records of scheduled vaccines, if you haven't already done so. You can scan the information and email it to to, or mail a hard copy to Attn: Health Office, Beverly Middle School, 502 Cabot St., Beverly MA 01915. If you have questions, please call 978-921-6121 or email

We in the health office are here to assist with the transition back to school and to keep your children healthy and safe. Together, we will get through this.

Jodi Elder
Kerrie Guinivan
Katie Tobyne