Thursday, July 2, 2020

Parks Program Application Due TODAY 7/2

Here is the link for this year's Parks Program Lottery Form: We are very excited to be able to offer the Program starting this Monday, July 6th.

Unfortunately, we need to limit the number of children who can attend in an effort to adhere to proper COVID-19 Guidelines. 

Please fill out this form to enter for a roster spot at one of our Summer Parks. Unlike previous years, families will NOT be allowed to register their children in person at Park. Please read the link for more details.

Also, please share this link and/or email it to all of your parent/sports/Beverly groups! Any Beverly family who may be interested. Entries are NOT "first-come-first-serve." Family applications will be assigned a number and picked at random. Applications are due TODAY, Thursday, July 2nd at 5 pm.