Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Middle School Volleyball Club

Middle School Volleyball starts after vacation!  It's for  grades: 5 – 8 in the Beverly Middle School Gym.  We will  focus on learning and practicing skills, doing  drills and playing intersquad games
  • First day is Thursday, February 27th - Orientation/Evaluations
  • Second day is Thursday, March 5th - Evaluations and start of skills
  • Then it is every Tuesday and Thursday the week after that (starting March 10) from 3:00 – 4:00 pm (you can leave early for the late bus).
Things to know:
  • Cost: Free!
  • NO experience needed! This is different than the other club sports after school -- it is more skill focused.
  • Sign up with Mrs. Tetreau - at a lunch when she is there, on Wednesday 2/12 after school in the gym, or find a time to see her. You can  email her  at