Monday, June 10, 2019

Grade 8 Trip Reminders

The grade 8 trip to Boston is this Wednesday, June 12 and it looks like a beautiful day!

Morning departure
tudents should arrive to school at 7:00 am Wednesday and report to the cafeteria for breakfast. Check-in is after breakfast.

Evening return
We will return to school at approximately 9:00 pm. Please arrange for your child to be picked up at Beverly Middle School promptly. Follow us on Twitter (@beverlyms_cubs) to get a more precise ETA as we will post upon departure from Boston. 

Items allowed & not allowed
Chaperones will check all students’ bags/purses for inappropriate items.

Prohibited items include:
  • cell phones
  • iPads
  • alcohol and drugs and any paraphernalia
  • tobacco/vape products
  • weapons
  • unsealed water/juice/soda bottles
Items allowed:
  • iPods (if you still have one!)
  • sealed water bottles
  • snacks (yes, candy is allowed but not in large, shareable quantities)
  • cameras
  • spending money
Please consider that electronic equipment is expensive and easily lost. Students bring these items at their own risk. We will not be able to return to visited sites to search for lost items.