Friday, May 17, 2019

Scholastic Book Fair Coming in 11 Days!

The fair runs from Tuesday, May 28 through Friday May 31.

There are lots of ways you can support this fair!

This fair only works if we get many adults to volunteer. Sign up to be a parent volunteer during the fair. We still have slots available from Tuesday, May 28 through Friday, May 31. Sign up with a friend or make new friends! This is a great opportunity to observe middle school children in their school habitat and help support reading and literacy. can also:
  • Send in loose change for our All for Books fundraiser. It will benefit Beverly Bootstraps, our library, and literacy programs nationally. Collection boxes in the office and in the library.
  • Set up an e-wallet now so you child can buy books at the fair without you needing to send in cash or checks.
  • Starting Monday 5/20 you can order books online to be delivered here at school!
Email Ms. Woznick with any questions at