In case you missed this message from the superintendent on Tuesday, it is reproduced here:
Good Evening Beverly Parents and Families,
I am writing to you this evening to remind all of you the importance of adhering to the safety measures we have outlined for the safe return of our students to school. Six months into this pandemic, we know that safety procedures, executed well, can make a huge difference in preventing transmission. The combination of masks/face coverings, physical distancing, hand-washing/sanitizing, and staying home at the first sign of a symptom will greatly reduce the spread of the virus. As you may be aware, we had the first positive cases reported today in our middle and high school. It is important to remember that the purpose of all the precautions and safety measures that we have implemented is to stop the spread of the virus within the school community. All of these precautions require a seamless partnership between families and schools in order for students to understand how to protect themselves and others.
I want you to know that in our schools throughout the day, your children have been amazing in adapting to the new routines and procedures. Our teachers report that compliance to the new protocols is exemplary. Thank you for your partnership in this endeavor. Tonight, I want to ask you to please take a moment to review with your child how these precautions are necessary outside of school as well and how they will help prevent the spread and protect you and your family in these times. Whether walking to and from school, playing on the playground or in the neighborhood, wearing a mask and keeping a safe distance is an important part of keeping us all safe along with the hand hygiene measures we are all participating in. And finally, for all families, a reminder to stay home if you do not feel well.
Thank you for your continued support.
Sue Charochak, Ed.D.
Superintendent of Schools