This blog is no longer being updated. Please go to the BMS website at
Friday, September 18, 2020
Return to School Protocols
Staff and students who have symptoms should contact their primary care physician for further instructions. Please check in with your school nurse for assistance.
Something Fun

Ms. Woznick has signed up for Postcrossing and has been sending and receiving postcards from all over the world! She is hoping to get some students involved in writing some of these cards, or your family may enjoy signing up for their own free membership.
You can see her blog with the postcards that she's been sending and receiving here.
Thursday, September 17, 2020
Momball Beverly Bootstraps Donations
BMS Momballers are collecting canned soup. Bet you have some that you got this spring and never ate! Just make sure it's not expired... and bring it to Harry Ball Field this Saturday 9/19 between 10-2. It's a drive-thru dropoff, so quick and easy!
Rolling Pick Up Reminders
If you are using the "rolling pickup" to retrieve your child - please remember to clearly post. your child's name and neighborhood number on your windshield. It will help us speed things along!
Wednesday, September 16, 2020
School Meals
Health Attestation Form
In-Person Learning Reminders
- a mask (double layered- no gaiters)
- a small peanut-free snack and a refillable water bottle (filling stations are open and available)
- BMS iPad
- individual student supplies (as identified by the grade level supply list)
- backpack large enough to fit all supplies.
iPad Reminders
It is expected that students will come to school with their iPad charged and ready to start the day. If you have not picked up your iPad yet, they are available in the Main Office 8-4. If your student does not remember their 4 digit password or log in information please contact Alix Woznick at or the BMS Tech center at
Drop Off and Pick Up Details & Traffic Patterns
Arrival Procedures
Students may arrive by bus, bike, car or walk to school. Bus students will be dropped at the front and side of the building.
- Bikers: Students who take a bike to school may use any of our bike racks and then enter their neighborhood door.
- Walkers will also enter their neighborhood door
- Cummings Center Drop Off: If you choose to drop your child in the Cummings Center parking lot, they may walk to school and enter the building at their neighborhood door. A crossing guard will assist students on Balch.
- Rolling Dropoff: If you choose, you may participate in our rolling drop off. We ask that you enter the campus at the Balch street entrance and follow the traffic flow to the left side of the building. (Please see map). Teachers will be present and welcoming students who will again enter their neighborhood door. Please do NOT get out of your car or pass other cars.
- Exiting to Cabot St.: Please note that when you exit onto Cabot Street you will only be allowed to make a right turn.
- If you choose to pick up your child at the Cummings Center, they will be a walker and are to be dismissed at 12:45.
- Neighborhood 1 will be dismissed for rolling pick up at 12:55
- Neighborhood 2 will be dismissed for rolling pick up at 1:05
- Neighborhood 3 will be dismissed for rolling pick up at 1:15
- PLEASE have your child's last name and Neighborhood Number displayed on your windshield.
- PLEASE try and arrive at your allotted time to avoid traffic congestion
And... we're off!
The school year got off to a (remote) start today and all in all, things went smoothly! We are looking forward to welcoming some of our 5th and 6th graders into the building tomorrow and Friday.
Please continue to reach out to us by email or by phone if you need assistance.
Global Apps Information
Some of the Global Apps curriculum will be delivered to students through a board that will be updated weekly, very similar to the choice board they used in the spring. The new board, with a new name and some slightly different procedures is planned to launch next Wednesday, September 23. In the meantime, students are welcome to access the Summer Choice Board.
Students Should Log In With School Email/Password
- Log in to the parent portal at
- Click on the "Family" tab
- Click on the student
- Once on the student page click the "Technology" tab and that will list their email and password

Tuesday, September 15, 2020
Summer Work
Students in grades 6-8 are being asked to turn in any completed math packets this week or next. Teachers will give students instructions.
- Grade 6: Due Sept 21-22 - Students may either scan them and email to their math teachers or may bring the physical packet into school and turn them into their math teacher.
- Grade 7: Students are receiving information this week about how to upload to Google Classroom
- Grade 8: Due Thursday 9/17 or Friday 9/18, whichever day they have class. Students are receiving instructions as to what to do with the packet on those days.
iPad Reminders
Students will carry their iPads to and from school for in-person and at-home learning. It is expected that students will come to school with their iPad fully charged each day.
Medication Dropoff Change
1. Complete the required paperwork (see below)
2. Email the school nurse Jodi Elder that you are sending the medication to school with your child:
3. Send your child to school with the paperwork and the medication in its original bottle4. Your child should notify their teacher that they have medication and forms for the school nurse, and they will receive instructions about how to get it to the health office.
Monday, September 14, 2020
Welcome from Principal Lisa Oliver
Dear BMS Families,
Communication is important to us. Please find detailed information attached for you to view. As noted in our previous email, our ASPEN service is currently presenting us with some challenges. Due to this, if you have more than one child at BMS, teacher correspondence may not yet be consistent. This is temporary.
All families will receive information regarding Wednesday from your classroom teacher before Wednesday morning. Each student will begin their day with a Google Meet at 9:00. We continue to ask for your patience while our system is updated.
Please review this welcome letter.
Lisa Oliver
iPad Reminders
Don't Miss Important Emails from the School
We want to be sure you don't miss any important emails! Our administrators often send emails from the Aspen system, which allows them to select certain grade levels, for example. Unfortunately, these emails occasionally land in people's spam/junk boxes.
Please check for emails coming from (triggered from our Aspen student info system) and (triggered from our Blackboard communication system). Check your email settings to sort these correctly so you don't miss any critical messages as we start this unprecedented school year.
Parent FAQ from the Superintendent
Good Afternoon Beverly Parents and Families,
Our first responsibility as we begin this school year is to keep our students, teachers, and staff safe. We have spent the summer months getting the school building and staff ready to execute all of the safety guidelines and best practices based on guidance from the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) and the medical community. From sanitizing and utilizing space in new and different ways to purchasing extra masks for students who might lose or forget theirs, we have been working hard to make sure our school buildings are as safe as possible. This year, like never before, will require partnership between schools and families to ensure that students are wearing their masks, washing their hands, and physical distancing. Today I am sending along a list of Frequently Asked Questions, many of which have been generated by families and some of which you may have yourself. The FAQ will be updated throughout the year as new questions arise. You will find the FAQ posted on our website and on our Beverly Keeps Learning site. I encourage you to refer back to this document and to submit any new questions to our staff.
Sue Charochak. Ed.D.
Superintendent of Schools