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Saturday, September 12, 2020
Note from Principal
Dear BMS Families,
Please note that we have run into a challenge with our ASPEN software. A new feature used to accommodate hybrid scheduling needs to be amended. We are working on closing access to schedules in order to fix this issue. Please disregard what you may have viewed as our software caused some incorrect information to be delivered.
I want to thank you for your continued patience, understanding and grace as we are working hard to open schools and meet the needs of all of our families.
Lisa Oliver
BMS Principal
Letter from the Superintendent
This letter was sent to families on Friday from Superintendent Sue Charochak and is replicated here for your reference.
September 11, 2020Good Afternoon Beverly Parents and Families,
Thank you for your patience as we continue to navigate the uncertainties of this year’s school reopening. Our parents, staff and students stepped up in extraordinary ways this past spring to fill the gaps caused by our schools closures. Our commitment to partner with you this year is unlike any other. We have heard repeatedly that “we are all in this together” but nowhere is that truer than in educating our students. We have spent the summer preparing for all three scenarios this fall: remote, hybrid and in person. Our highest priority is to keep our students, teachers, and staff safe and although Massachusetts has some of the lowest transmission rates at this time, we have chosen a combination of remote and hybrid options that we feel is best for the Beverly Public School District.
These past two weeks, we have welcomed back staff and spent time preparing for the coming year. We continue to refine our plans and look forward to welcoming our students back in whichever model of learning they are participating. In Beverly, students in PreK - 4 will begin the year in a hybrid model (five days with an early dismissal) grades 5 & 6 will start with a hybrid model (two days in school, three days remote) on September 16th (Kindergarten will have a delayed start of September 24th). Students in grades 7 - 12 will begin the year in a remote model on September 16th, however, the school committee voted last evening to set September 29th as the date that our 7 - 12 students will begin transitioning to a hybrid model. Students and families in these grades will receive more information from their building principals as to the specifics of their individual schedules. For students in our Remote Learning Academy, remote instruction will begin on September 16th.
The Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, working with our state’s top medical professionals, have put comprehensive safety guidelines in place to greatly reduce the transmission of COVID-19. Our school leaders and staff have worked diligently to create detailed school plans to ensure that we are fully prepared to execute all of the recommended safety measures, including, signs to direct staff and students, mandatory mask-wearing, physical distancing, hand washing and mask breaks, additional sanitizing of the school, notification of positive cases, and the ability to transition back to remote learning should it be necessary.
In the meantime, our teachers have received training on the safety protocols and guidance for in person learning. We are confident that they can provide engaging instruction when students are in the classroom, while implementing the safety measures we need to keep students, teachers and families safe. Teachers have received training on flipped classrooms, blended learning, and remote learning. We are confident that they are ready to teach our students through Google Classroom, Moodle, and Seesaw using a combination of best practices that will include live, whole class instruction, teacher-led small group work, and independent student work.
We are committed to frequent communications to our families to ensure that we are transparent in our decision making and are providing families with information as so as it becomes available. Not only will you receive updates from your school principal, you can expect to regularly hear from your child’s teacher(s) to ensure you have a clear understanding of your child’s learning expectations for the fall. It is important that we hear your perspective regarding your perspective regarding your child’s learning needs as well as his or her social emotional development in order to put a plan in place for your child’s continued growth.
Given the heightened importance of communications over the next several months, we would ask that you reach out to us with your questions and concerns. We look forward to meeting this challenging time together and welcome your input to best serve your child.
As always, thank you for the trust you have placed in us and in our partnership as we work together to educate your child.
Sue Charochak, Ed.D.
Superintendent of Schools
Friday, September 11, 2020
Gr 6 Students & Families - Welcome!
Welcome to Grade 6!
We are looking forward to getting the year started and cannot wait to meet all of you. We are excited to play a role in making this year as enjoyable and memorable as possible.
This entire production was created by the grade 6 Team of Teachers. Specific arrival and dismissal, homeroom assignments and more directions coming soon.
Important News from Food Service
This means all Beverly children can receive a free breakfast and lunch.
If your student attends any elementary school upon dismissal they can take a bag meal which will include a lunch for that day and a breakfast to eat at home before school the following day.
If your student is a 5th or 6th grader and attends BMS, breakfast will be offered every morning, except Wednesday, and upon dismissal they can take a bag meal which will include a lunch for that day and a breakfast to eat at home the following day.
For all students who are part of the Remote Learning Academy, starting the year in the remote model or have a remote learning day, meals are available daily for pick up at BHS from 10:30-11:30 beginning Wednesday 9/16.
Weekend meals are available for all families and will be distributed on Fridays for pick up only at BHS from 10:30a-11:30a. Produce boxes are once again available and will be distributed on Thursdays.
We still encourage families to complete an online application at in case this amazing benefit is not extended into the spring or if funds run out.
As always please reach out with any questions or concerns, 978-921-6132 ext 11129
Beverly Bootstraps Food Drive Tomorrow
The Beverly Bootstraps Drive-Thru Food Drive is tomorrow, Saturday, September 12 from 10 am to 2 pm.
Check this flyer for details and. a list of most-needed items.
From the Health Office: COVID-19 Symptom List
During these unprecedented times, our school district is putting forth all efforts to bring our students and staff back together in the safest manner possible at this point in time. In order to do this we will need everyone to do their part in preventing the spread of illness.
Parents and Guardians have a major role to play in helping to curb the spread of COVID-19 in our school community. Our collective health relies, in part, on individual attention and responsibility. Therefore, we are asking you to read through the following list of symptoms, and attest to the fact that your child(ren) will be screened for these symptoms before they come to school each day.
Symptoms of COVID-19 May Include:
- Elevated Temperature (100 degrees or higher). May have chills, or shaking.
- A new or different cough, unlike any chronic cough due to other known causes.
- Difficulty in breathing or shortness of breath at rest, not due to any known conditions.
- New loss of taste or smell.
- Sore throat, not associated with any chronic symptoms.
- Headache, when in combination with other symptoms.
- Muscle or body aches not related to overuse or injury.
- Nausea, vomiting or diarrhea.
- Fatigue, when in combination with other symptoms.
- Nasal congestion or runny nose,(not due to other known causes such as allergies), when in combination with other symptoms.
Gr 6-8: Get Your iPads Ready
You can walk through the step-by-step presentation, or access the information in a 2-page checklist, whichever works best for you!
We strongly recommend that you have your returning 6th to 8th grader do these steps soon so you know that they are ready to get online the first day of school.
Supply Lists
Supply Lists for the 2020-2021 school year are now available:
- Grade 5 Supply List (en Español)
- Grade 6 Supply List (en Español)
- Grade 7 Supply List
- Grade 8 Supply List
- ATTAIN program (Chirco) Supply List
Thursday, September 10, 2020
Getting iPads Ready for School

You can walk through the step-by-step presentation, or access the information in a 2-page checklist, whichever works best for you!
We strongly recommend that you have your 6th to 8th grader do these steps soon so you know that they are ready to get online the first day of school.
Mask Info & Reminders From the Health Office
Jodi Elder
Kerrie Guinivan
Katie Tobyne
Breakfast Seat Signup
Two, we are in the process of assigning breakfast seats for students who will be coming to school in person and plan on eating breakfast here BSM.
Please fill out this Google form to assist us in our planning. This form did not work for some people when we posted it previously and we apologize for that mix-up. It should work fine for everyone now!
Breakfast Seat Sign-UpTuesday, September 8, 2020
Important Message About Next Week
We are writing today with TWO important pieces of information.
One, we have had some questions about backpacks. Historically, BMS asked that students provide small drawstring backpacks, as so much of the work students will complete is iPad- based. This year, we invite students to bring a backpack that will hold all of their personal belongings. This includes a snack and water bottle, their iPad for home-school travel, and any folders or binders that individual teams will use for organization. At this time, we may not use student lockers.
Two, we are in the process of assigning breakfast seats for students that plan on eating breakfast with us here at school. We are asking that you please fill out the google from below to assist us in our planning.
Breakfast Seat Sign-Up
The first day of school is 9/16/20 for all BMS students. Please continue to watch your email for more detailed information coming shortly. Again, we thank you for your patience as we prepare for a safe and orderly arrival for all.
The BMS Leadership Team
School Health Office Info For In-Person Students
Medication During School Day
We strongly encourage you to consider administering afternoon medication to your child once they arrive home, if possible. This will limit exposure to the health office. If your student is attending school in person and will require medication administration during school hours please complete the following forms and bring them with you, along with your child's medication in its original bottle, on the first day of school. The nursing staff will have a table set up outside the main entrance doors on the first days of in-person school (9/17/20 and 9/18/20).
We in the health office are here to assist with the transition back to school and to keep your children healthy and safe. Together, we will get through this.
Jodi Elder
Kerrie Guinivan
Katie Tobyne
Bootstraps Food Drive Saturday
Start organizing and picking up some items now to donate to the Beverly Bootstraps Drive-Thru Food Drive this Saturday, September 12.
Check this flyer for details and. a list of most-needed items.