Monday, June 3, 2019

237 BMS Library Books Overdue as of Monday!

Please remind your child that they must clear their library account by returning all library books as soon as possible.

All books are due technically by June 5 so we have a couple of weeks to collect them. If you child needs a book to complete an assignment, please have him or her return it as soon as possible when the assignment is complete.

I will be contacting teacher with details of overdues, but please ask your child if s/he owes anything and urge them to return it asap if they don't need it anymore.

There are no fines for overdues, but lost books must be paid for. Please do not purchase a new copy for the library, as much of the replacement cost is the time and materials to correctly process the book.

Contact Ms. Woznick with questions or for information about replacements costs (typically $10-$15) and process at