Friday, March 1, 2019

Big Buck$ Winning Begins!


If you still have calendars to turn in, please have your student bring them to the school office ASAP and we will get those slips added in. Click here to see all the prizes for the month.

The Friday, March 1 BIG BUCK$ winner is Sue Jewett. Sue wins $100. The calendar was sold by BMS student, Norah Jewett, who also wins $10 for the selling the winning calendar.

All $10 student winners can pick up their $10 in the office after school.

Remember, if you still have calendars to turn in, please have your student turn them in to the main office ASAP.

Thank you again for your enthusiasm and involvement in making this all-school fundraiser such a great one! We will announce our weekend winners on Monday. Have a wonderful weekend! GO BIG BUCK$!