Thursday, October 29, 2020

Virtual Book Club at Beverly Public Library

The Beverly Public Library has a young adult book club on Thursday, December 1 from 4-5 pm. with the book Artemis Fowl.

Twelve-year-old Artemis is a millionaire, a genius-and above all, a criminal mastermind. But Artemis doesn't know what he's taken on when he kidnaps a fairy, Captain Holly Short of the LEPrecon Unit. These aren't the fairies of the bedtime stories-they're dangerous! 

Join in via Zoom for a discussion of Artemis Fowl by Eoin Colfer, available as an eBook from hoopla–no wait - or email Ms. Woznick at to borrow a copy from the BMS Library.

Participants must register in advance. An invitation will be sent to participants the day of the discussion.

Questions? Contact Meghan at