The school day starts at 8:45, at which time students must be in their homeroom. The school day ends at 3:00 pm. Breakfast is available from 8-8:45am in the first floor cafeteria.
5th Grade Students -- on the first day you will meet in the gymnasium. Parents are welcome to walk 5th graders into the gym after 8:00. At 8:30, students will gather by teams, and will be escorted to their classrooms. On day one, 5th graders will spend most of their time getting to know their team teachers and classmates. They will also attend their first global application class, and a welcome assembly with their administrators. After day one, parents are welcome to walk children to the door, but are not allowed in the building past the front office without an appointment.
Some important dates to note in September & October 2019:
- Tuesday, Sept. 3 - First day of school for all BMS students
- Thursday, Sept. 12 @ 6:30 - Curriculum Night for grades 7/8
- Tues., Sept. 17 @ 6:30 - Curriculum Night for grades 5/6
- Fri., Sept. 27 @ 9am - BMS PTO Meeting
- Wed., Oct. 9 - No School - Yom Kippur
- Mon., Oct. 14 - No School - Columbus Day