Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Gr 8 - BHS Laptop Lease Program

To 8th Grade Parents: The information and directions to lease a Beverly High School laptop will be distributed on Tuesday, April 23, 2019 in your child's homeroom. Online registration will be from April 23rd to June 15th. 
Also, if your child has applied to Essex Tech, do not register for a laptop from April 23rd to June 15th because the first registration payment is non-refundable. The Tech Center orders extra laptops to be available to students who had applied to Essex Tech but are not admitted. In this situation, call the BHS Tech Center at 978-921-6132 ext. 11171 as soon as you receive notification, and we will hold a laptop for your child. Next, you must come to the Tech Center to fill out the appropriate registration form with payment (you will not be able to register online). Please note, this is on a first come first serve basis, so please call the BHS Tech Center as soon as you have been notified by Essex Tech. If you have any questions please call the BHS Tech Center at 978-921-6132 ext. 11171.